NLS Plus
- What is a round lot, odd lot, and mixed lot?
- For Nasdaq Last Sale Plus, what's the mapping of topics to symbols?
- Where can I get a list of all securities traded on Nasdaq?
- Which trade condition/message should we use to determine the official Opening and Closing price for a stock?
- What does “Last Sale” mean?
- What are the four different sale conditions in “Last Sale”?
- What is a trade report message in Nasdaq Last Sale?
- Are the NOOP and NOCP values calculated in the daily volume calculation?
- What is the timing for different components of the Nasdaq Last Sale feed?
- Where can I find more information on U.S. market system hours?
- Where can I find the current list of regulatory halts for both Nasdaq and non-Nasdaq listed securities?
- Where can I find the U.S. Equities Market Volume Summary?
- Where can I find more information on Nasdaq cloud-based solutions?