What information and documentation should I prepare for the intake form?

What information and documentation should I prepare for the intake form?

To prepare for filling out the form, we recommend you have the following easily accessible:

  • Product-level information: High-level overview and coverage description
  • Table-level metadata: Table names, short descriptions, schemas, sample data files inclusive of 5 cycles of data, data delivery frequency, update pattern, table size in GB, and FTP/SFTP/S3 data access credentials if applicable (e.g. remote path, file pattern, username, and password)
  • Regulations: Identification of GDPR restrictions, Personally Identifiable Information, and/or government regulations (e.g. SEC, MiFID II)
  • Technical contact: Name and email of the person who will be responsible for answering technical questions related to the dataset
  • Additional materials (marketing materials, white papers, etc.) if applicable
  • Redistribution license agreement for third-party vendors if applicable
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