How do I get percentage changes instead of absolute levels in my R data download?
Note that each data feed on Nasdaq Data Link is delivered through one of the following Nasdaq Data Link APIs:
- Streaming API for real-time data
- REST API for real-time or delayed data
- REST API for time-series
- REST API for tables
You can learn more about these APIs and data formats here.
Data that is delivered through the REST API for time-series or the REST API for tables may be used with the Nasdaq Data Link R package.
To transform absolute levels to percentage changes, please use the transform="rdiff" parameter, like this:
data <- Quandl("XNAS/ACIW", transform="rdiff")
Please see here for other possible transformations for time-series data. Please see here for other examples of R commands with time-series data.
There is no transform= parameter for data in tables format. For tables, we recommend downloading the raw data and carrying out the required transformation using your own analytics tool.
There is no transform= parameter for data in tables format. For tables, we recommend downloading the raw data and carrying out the required transformation using your own analytics tool.