What are the terms of use for premium data?

Terms of use for premium data vary by data feed and by use case (Business, Academic or Personal).

To find the terms of use for any premium data feed, please follow these steps: 

  • Log in to your account at data.nasdaq.com

    If you do not have an account yet, you may sign up for one here. It is free to create an account and no credit card is required. 

  • Once logged in, go to the Core Financial Data section of Nasdaq Data Link's website. Check off "premium" on the left-hand side. 

  • Search for data using the top search bar or browse through the premium data feeds shown throughout the page. Click on any data feed that interests you.
  • Once you click on a data feed, you will be taken to the product page for that feed. On the product page, click on the "View Pricing" button at the right-hand panel. This will show you pricing, as well as a link that says "View Full License". When you click this link, it will show you the terms of use for that particular feed. 

  • Note: 

    Depending on your account type (Business, Academic or Personal), the pricing page for certain data feeds may only show a "Contact Sales" button. This is because pricing for these feeds is highly customized depending on your use case. We ask that you contact our sales team and explain your use case so that we may advise on pricing and licensing/terms of use.  

    The pricing pages for certain data feeds may also show this message:  

    Sorry, Nasdaq Data Link and the publisher are only able to license this product for select use-cases. Please contact us and provide more information about your firm and how you plan on using the data. Our sales team will be in touch as soon as possible.

    We show the above message for data feeds that are for institutional use only, as per our agreement with the provider of these feeds. These feeds are typically not available for academic or personal use and we ask that you contact us and tell us more about your use case so that we can advise you on pricing and licensing/terms of use.

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